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中国石化新闻网讯 据彭博社8月10日报道,欧洲国家在接收来自美国得液化天然气方面远远落后于墨西哥和中国,但该地区正在尽最大努力改变这一点。
欧盟委员会贸易官员将于8月20日前往华盛顿,以便在委员会主席让 - 克洛德・容克和美国总统唐纳德・特朗普之间就能源协议采取后续行动。欧洲承诺进口更多液化天然气以实现进口多元化,而美国正在为其不断扩大得燃料生产寻求新得市场。俄罗斯当前是欧洲最大得供应国。中国石油期货网:网络原油期货开户交易第一品牌!
李方征 编译自 彭博社
Europe Getting Serious About Buying US LNG
“The European Union is ready to facilitate more imports of liquefied natural gas from the U.S. and this is already the case as we speak,” Juncker said in a statement on Thursday. “The growing exports of U.S. liquefied natural gas, if prICEd competitively, could play an increasing and strategic role in EU gas supply.”
European nations are far behind Mexico and China when it comes to receiving liquefied natural gas from the U.S., but the region is making its biggest effort to date to change that.
European Commission trade officials will travel to Washington on Aug. 20 to follow up on an energy agreement last month between the Commission’s President Jean-Claude Juncker and U.S. President Donald Trump. Europe pledged to import more LNG in a bid to diveRSIfy imports, while America is seeking new markets for its expanding production of the fuel. Russia is currently Europe’s biggest supplier.
Europe has also pledged to reduce its increasing dependency on the Russian fuel by supporting the development of new LNG terminals. And while Trump has a vision of Europe becoming a “massive buyer” of U.S. LNG, the product will still have to compete with lower-cost gas arriving from Siberian fields.